Bills List: Defend Our Gun Rights
The Montgomery County Republican Party’s Legislative Committee monitors Legislative Priority bills and sends emails to keep you informed when action is needed. Subscribe today by clicking below!
Priority Bills Passed:
HB 3 - Signed into law, becomes effective Sept. 1. Relating to measures for ensuring public school safety, including the development and implementation of purchases relating to and funding for public school safety and security requirements and the provision of safety-related resources. Montgomery County Legislators - Coauthors: Representatives Bailes, Bell, Metcalf, and Toth.
HB 2837 - Signed into law, becomes effective Sept. 1. Relating to prohibiting financial institutions in Texas from surveilling, reporting, or tracking the purchase of firearms and ammunition; imposing a civil penalty. Montgomery County Legislators - Cosponsors: Senators Bettencourt, Creighton, and Kolkhorst.
HB 3137 - Signed into law, becomes effective Sept. 1. Relating to prohibited local regulation with respect to a firearm or air gun. Montgomery County Legislators - Author: Representative Toth. Coauthors: Representatives Bell and Metcalf. Cosponsors: Senators Creighton and Kolkhorst.
Bills that passed both the House & Senate.
Updates: Signed by the Governor, becomes effective 09/01/23.
HB 3 - (Rep. Burrows) provides for an armed security guard on school campuses. This is a good step toward eliminating gun-free zones and is major headway in protecting our students.
This is a Republican Party of Texas Priority Bill.
Update: Passed the House, passed out of Senate State Affairs Committee on 05/16/23, Senate placed on Intent Calendar for 05/18, Senate passed on 05/19, sent to Governor on 05/24, signed by Governor on 06/10, becomes effective 09/01.
HB 2837 - Prohibits credit card companies from “surveilling, reporting, or tracking the purchase of firearms ammunition” in Texas. The bill was assigned to the Pensions, Investments and Financial Services Committee.
Our current federal administration appears intent on encroaching on our constitutionally protected Second Amendment rights and creating a registry of gun owners is one step in that direction.
In September of 2022, the International Standards Organization created a new Merchant Category Code for firearms, providing an avenue for merchants to conduct mass surveillance of constitutionally protected firearms and ammunition purchases.
“While federal law requires some financial institutions to report transactions that are highly indicative of money laundering or other unlawful activities, there is no federal law authorizing financial institutions to surveillance and track lawful activities by customers in cooperation with law,” according to HB 2837.
Otherwise known as The Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act, this bill by Representative Matt Schaefer of District 6 proposes to prohibit the practice by financial institutions in Texas “except for those records kept during the regular course of a criminal investigation and prosecution or as otherwise required by law.”
For an entity or individual that fails to comply with injunctions against the activity, a civil penalty of up to $10,000 per violation would apply. -
Update: Signed by the Governor, becomes effective 09/01/23.
HB 3137 - by Rep. Isaac prevents counties from restricting gun rights.
This is a Republican Party of Texas Priority Bill.
HB 175 - Sent to Calendars on 04/10/23 and not considered in Calendars until 05/02/23, still sitting in Calendars.
HB 636 - Passed the House, referred to Senate State Affairs Committee on 05/09/23.
HB 175 & HB 636 - Two priority bills to defend our gun rights.
HB 175 Schaefer – allows for those who receive deferred adjudication community supervision for unlawful carrying a handgun to have their records expunged.
HB 636 Patterson – allows a licensed election judge to carry a handgun in a polling place.
HB 2780 - There is also a concerning bill being heard in this committee that infringes on gun rights. It’s HB 2780 and would prohibit an individual from owning a firearm if they received a mental health diagnosis in a treatment center as a child. This is a very slippery slope and we do not support this bill.
Update: Sent to Calendars on 05/09/23.
HB 356 - Authored by Cecil Bell
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Senator Brandon Creighton (SD 4)
(512) 463-0104 (Austin Office)
(281) 292-4128 (District Office)
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Senator Paul Bettencourt (SD 7)
(512) 463-0107 (Austin Office)
(713) 464-0282 (District Office)
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Senator Lois Kolkhorst (SD 18)
(512) 463-0118 (Austin Office)
(979) 251-7888 (District Office)
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Rep. Cecil Bell (HD 3)
(512) 463-0650 (Austin office)
(281) 259-3700 (District office)
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Rep. Steve Toth (HD 15)
(512) 463-0797 (Austin office)
(346) 220-0300 (District office)
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Rep. Will Metcalf (HD 16)
(512) 463-0726 (Austin office)
(936) 539-0068 (District office)
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Rep. Ernest Bailes (HD 18)
(512) 463-0570 (Austin office)
(936) 628-6687 (District office)
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