Take Action! House Border Security bills left pending in committee


April 18, 2023 | Austin, TX

Only 31 percent of Americans approve of Biden’s border policies. No doubt even fewer Texans approve.

We feel the impact of the more than 6 million illegals who have made their way across our southern border since 2020. We feel the impact of fentanyl deaths and cartel violence and we see the bodies of the dead who bet on the wrong coyote to take them across. While Democratic mayors call for relief from the trickle of illegals who have been sent to the north or west coast cities, we know first hand how bad an onslaught of them can be.

Last week, border security measures were heard in the House State Affairs Committee and there they still sit, awaiting a vote and movement to the full House.

HB 20 would create a law enforcement unit called the Border Protection Unit, which would have the authority to arrest, detain and deter people from crossing the Texas-Mexico border illegally. It is authored by Representative Matt Schaefer of District 6 and includes 47 co-sponsors, all of them Republicans and more than half of the Republicans currently seated in the House. It is also on Speaker Dade Phelan’s list of priority legislation for this session.

HB 7 by Representative Ryan Guillen of District 31 provides methods of financing public services along the border to address the ongoing criminal and public health threats caused by the problem.

HB 65 by Representative David Spiller of District 68 increases criminal penalties for offenses committed in the course of unlawfully entering the United States.

This Texas Legislative Session ends on May 29 and while the Senate has passed 316 bills, the House has only completed 85. The Republican Party of Texas identified eight priorities most important to our voters and Border Security is one of them.


Please contact the House State Affairs Committee to let them know you are watching and expect a quick and favorable report on these bills out of committee.

Rep. Todd Hunter, Chair
(512) 463-0672

Rep. Ana Hernandez, Vice Chair
(512) 463-0614

Rep. Rafael Anchía
(512) 463-0746

Rep. Jay Dean
(512) 463-0750

Rep. Charlie Geren
(512) 463-0610

Rep. Ryan Guillen
(512) 463-0416

Rep. Will Metcalf
(512) 463-0726

Rep. Richard Peña Raymond
(512) 463-0558

Rep. Shelby Slawson
(512) 463-0628

Rep. John T. Smithee
(512) 463-0702

Rep. David Spiller
(512) 463-0526

Rep. Senfronia Thompson
(512) 463-0720

Rep. Chris Turner
(512) 463-0574

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The Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas is committed to honoring God by exhibiting the highest levels of honesty, integrity, and accountability. It is our goal to inform and engage the voting public. We support Republican candidates and elected officials to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for preserving the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.


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