Texas GOP Resolutions Addressing Issues in the Texas House
Republican Party of Texas resolutions addressing the betrayal in the Texas House.
Trump Cannot Save This Country All by Himself
It is so exciting to actually be represented by a politician who puts America and “We the People” first, but we also must address issues taking place in the Texas House. Our county and country depend on us.
Leadership Matters!
Under the leadership of Montgomery County Republican Party Chairman Gwen Withrow, who took office in June, the local party is doing some amazing things, including opening a new Party Headquarters, organizing a Republican Women's Summit to rally the vote, and hosting an upcoming Lincoln Reagan Dinner.
Storm Recovery Resources
Where to find the most up-to-date information on power restoration, cooling centers, shelters, debris removal, property value reassessments, and insurance claims.
Montgomery County Republican Party Offering Storm Debris Assistance
As of this post, there are still over 66,000 Montgomery County residents without power, which is a significant improvement over the 90,000+ we started off with this morning. If you have a tree on your home and need help, please reach out to us and we will try to get someone over to you asap.
Now More Than Ever, Montgomery County Republicans Must Come Together
While the local Republican Party is focused on raising funds, educating voters, and getting people excited about the party, constant attacks are being leveled at the volunteers and hard-working Precinct Chairs who make up the local party.
An Interview With RPT Chairman Matt Rinaldi
We strongly recommend all voters watch this video, especially those who were elected as delegates and alternates to the State Convention. The party’s policy role, the danger of allowing a government and candidate-led takeover of the party, closing the Primary so Democrats are unable to choose our Republican candidates, and what we need to do in the future.
A Time for Healing and Party Unity
A message about the path forward from Montgomery County Republican Party Vice Chairman, Jon Bouché.