Montgomery County GOP Endorses Local Republican Candidates
The Montgomery County Republican Party CEC voted on candidates running for Conroe ISD school board, Montgomery County Hospital District, The Woodlands Township, and Tomball ISD school board, and approved several candidates to be endorsed by the local party.
Voters Must Reject the Democrats in Both Parties!
While grassroots Conservatives are at the polls working hard to get Republicans elected, members of Chairman Bryan Christ’s splinter group are once again providing false information to the public to confuse voters, helping a proven Democrat in her campaign.
Política de truco o trato: Demócratas locales disfrazados de republicanos
Los votantes deben tener cuidado porque esta es la época del año, justo antes de la temporada electoral, cuando los demócratas se hacen pasar por republicanos para tratar de llegar al poder con engaños.
Trick-or-Treat Politics: Local Democrats Masquerading as Republicans
The weather is cooling down and Halloween is upon us! But voters should beware because this is also the time of year just prior to election season when Democrats masquerade as Republicans to try and con their way into office. One such race where you can clearly see a Democrat pretending to be a Republican is in the race for Position 5 on The Woodlands Township Board.