Report From County Chair Gwen Withrow

Chairwoman Gwen Withrow

September 3, 2024 | Media Inquiries:

This report was presented at the September 3rd meeting of the County Executive Committee (CEC).

As I sat down to compose my chairman remarks, I heard that six Israeli hostages had been executed in Gaza. This made me so angry. This act is barbarous and uncivilized. BRING THEM HOME! We need the remaining hostages released immediately.

Next, I want to thank everyone for the good wishes and prayers for my health. I am truly blessed to have so many caring friends.

Over the past two months, the party has successfully achieved the merger into one unit. We had a successful organization meeting, as well as a beautiful swearing-in ceremony and an open house in a new headquarters. The Precinct Chairs chose the most economical and most beautiful of the three candidates for our new headquarters. We next need to choose and rent a storage space for all of the decorations and items which the party uses for events and parades. This stuff quickly overwhelmed the closet and needs to be put in storage so that literature and push cards can be stored for voters in the upcoming election, which is our biggest priority.


Headquarters Grand Opening

The grand opening of our new headquarters was a great success with over 250 guests throughout the day. Guests enjoyed great music, cake and refreshments, and were able to obtain candidate information and yard signs. There continues to be many visitors to the office every day. Thank you to DJ Fike, Neda Henery, and all of the many volunteers who made the open house a success. Also, thank you to Stephanie Cox and Jon Bouché for providing great music for the event. A very special thank you to Herschel Williams and Art Aguilar for coming up with a plan to get Trump signs into the hands of Montgomery County voters.


Rally the Vote Event

We also had a successful Rally the Vote event to showcase all of the Republican Women’s Clubs and to suggest ways for collaboration to assist our Precinct Chairs. The party is asking for an all-hands-on-deck approach to distributing Republican voter guides through each Precinct Chair this fall. Again, thank you to Herschel Williams, Julie Faubel and Ann Kate for such a well-attended event.


Lincoln Reagan Dinner With Senator Ted Cruz

Our next big, and I do mean big, event is the Lincoln Reagan dinner on Sept. 13th. I hope all Precinct Chairs have signed up. We want you all there. This is an important milestone for the party and will provide the funds to GET OUT THE VOTE. Make sure you get your tickets by September 9th at 8am.

This upcoming election is the most important of our lifetime. The party stands ready to give all we have to the efforts to bring an additional 100,000 votes to the Trump and Cruz campaigns.

09/20/24 Update: Montgomery County GOP Makes History With First-Ever Lincoln Reagan Dinner


Election Security

I will be working with the State Republican Party during the election to provide election security services. Our county will be networked with legal resources provided by the state and national party. I will be on site and will be provided a legal consultant on election day to assist with any issues which may arise. I thank Judi Thomas for stepping forward to help George Hyde with staffing the election polling positions. This is one of the most important services the party provides by making sure that all Montgomery County polling locations are staffed with highly trained, honest election workers.


Become a Poll Worker!

The county is in need of poll workers for Early Voting and Election Day. Training is required, so it's important to visit the Montgomery County Elections website or call (936) 539-7843 as soon as possible for more information.


Thank you to all of the Precinct Chairs and volunteers for the work you are doing. We must push Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and all Republicans to victory. We can do it!

✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

The Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas is committed to honoring God by exhibiting the highest levels of honesty, integrity, and accountability. It is our goal to inform and engage the voting public. We support Republican candidates and elected officials to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for preserving the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.


Montgomery County GOP Endorses Local Republican Candidates


Report From County Chair Gwen Withrow