Report From County Chair Gwen Withrow
The County Chair discusses the resolution being considered at tonight’s County Executive Committee meeting and the need to move forward with a productive Legislative Session.
Report From County Chair Gwen Withrow: Trump Cannot Save This Country All by Himself
It is so exciting to actually be represented by a politician that puts America and “We the People” first, but we also must address issues taking place in the Texas House. Our county and country depend on us—Trump cannot save this country all by himself.
Republican Party of Texas Releases Rules and Voting Results
The Republican Party of Texas released their updated rules and Legislative Priorities voting results from their 2024 Convention in San Antonio, Texas, today. Previously released were the Party Platform and Legislative Priorities.
Texas GOP Chairman’s Update
The Texas uniparty is trying to advance alternative policies in lieu of the Texas GOP Legislative Priorities. Members of Speaker Dade Phelan’s leadership team are trying to protect Democrat chairs. Contact your State Representative today and ask them to stop this practice.
Montgomery County Republican Party To Hold Crawfish Boil Celebration on May 11
Looking for something fun to do on Mother’s Day weekend? Head over to Unity Park in Magnolia on Saturday, May 11, 11 am – 3 pm, for the Montgomery County Republican Party’s “Crawfish Boil Celebration,” celebrating freedom, faith, family, and friends. Live music, food, and activities for all ages. Voter registration and opportunities to learn more about local first responders, public servants, and volunteer organizations.
State Party Chairman Issues Statement Confirming the Correct Temporary Chairs for Senatorial District Conventions
Republican Party of Texas Chairman Matt Rinaldi has issued a letter confirming that the correct Temporary Chairs for the Senatorial District Conventions are: Dale Inman (SD 4), Dennis Tibbs (SD 7), and Lauren Vickers (SD 18).
Hit Pieces From Chairman Bryan Christ Against His Own Party
A barrage of hit pieces and mailers is being foisted upon voters by Chairman Bryan Christ in a desperate attempt to get reelected. Chairman Christ will do anything to get reelected, including aligning himself with disgraced Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan and the pro-gambling lobby.
Shunned by the Republican Party of Texas, County Chairman Sues Political Opponents
After the Republican Party of Texas shunned Chairman Christ and his splinter group, Chairman Christ and two of his followers filed a lawsuit against his conservative political opponent and 17 other grassroots precinct chairs in the party he was elected to lead. When challenged by the defendants’ attorney on the lack of merits in their case, Chairman Christ’s attorneys filed for nonsuit and the Judge dismissed the case. Among those named in the lawsuit is Chairman Christ’s opponent in the 2024 Primary, Gwen Withrow, who is the Precinct 72 Chair as well as the State Republican Executive Committee Member for District 4 and a member of the Republican Party Of Texas Officials Committee.
Chairman Bryan Christ Sues His Political Opponent!
After Republican Party of Texas Chairman Matt Rinaldi called the meeting of the Montgomery County District Executive Committee to be held at the location where the party majority was holding their December 5 County Executive Committee (CEC) meeting, Montgomery County Republican Party Chairman Bryan Christ immediately filed a lawsuit against his political opponent and 17 other Precinct Chairs in an effort to prevent those members from voting in the District Executive Committee meeting.