Texas ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Texas ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Republican Party of Texas Releases Rules and Voting Results

The Republican Party of Texas released their updated rules and Legislative Priorities voting results from their 2024 Convention in San Antonio, Texas, today. Previously released were the Party Platform and Legislative Priorities.

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Texas ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Texas ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Inaugural Message From County Chair Gwen Withrow

The future of our country depends on turning out the vote in November. There is important work to do. We are standing together and making this nation Great Again. God Bless Texas, our nation, and each of you. In the words of Todd Beamer—LET’S ROLL. We have a country to save!

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Texas ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Texas ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Texas GOP Chairman’s Update

The Texas uniparty is trying to advance alternative policies in lieu of the Texas GOP Legislative Priorities. Members of Speaker Dade Phelan’s leadership team are trying to protect Democrat chairs. Contact your State Representative today and ask them to stop this practice.

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✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Republican Party of Texas Statement on Sham Conviction of President Trump

Today’s kangaroo court verdict shows just how far Democrats will go to destroy those they simply disagree with. As Biden continues to weaponize the justice system against his political opponents we must draw a line in the sand. Texas grassroots are united and excited to elect President Donald Trump as the 47th President of the United States.

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Texas, Montgomery County ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Texas, Montgomery County ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Dale Inman and Gwen Withrow’s Actions in Support of Israel Speak Far Louder Than Bryan Christ’s Words

A smear campaign against our State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) representatives for Senate District (SD) 4 was emailed to Texas GOP Convention delegates this morning by outgoing Montgomery County Republican Party Chairman, Bryan Christ. The email was full of false and salacious accusations against Gwen Withrow and Dale Inman. Chairman Christ continues to do everything he can to divide the party and attempt to remove strong Republicans from local and state party leadership.

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✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Republican Party of Texas Advances Rule to Close Primaries

The Rules Committee of the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) passed Rule 46 in a 26-4 vote last night to close the Republican Primary in Texas. It will now be included in the Rules report for all the Delegates at the RPT Convention to vote for on Friday.

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Montgomery County ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Montgomery County ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Montgomery County Republican Party To Hold Crawfish Boil Celebration on May 11

Looking for something fun to do on Mother’s Day weekend? Head over to Unity Park in Magnolia on Saturday, May 11, 11 am – 3 pm, for the Montgomery County Republican Party’s “Crawfish Boil Celebration,” celebrating freedom, faith, family, and friends. Live music, food, and activities for all ages. Voter registration and opportunities to learn more about local first responders, public servants, and volunteer organizations.

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Montgomery County, Texas ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Montgomery County, Texas ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Hit Pieces From Chairman Bryan Christ Against His Own Party

A barrage of hit pieces and mailers is being foisted upon voters by Chairman Bryan Christ in a desperate attempt to get reelected. Chairman Christ will do anything to get reelected, including aligning himself with disgraced Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan and the pro-gambling lobby.

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Texas ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Texas ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

For God and Texas: Honoring Jill Glover

The Montgomery County Republican Party is mourning the loss of a wonderful patriot and dear friend to many, Jill Glover. Jill passed away this morning after a battle with cancer.

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Montgomery County, Texas, Secure the Border ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Montgomery County, Texas, Secure the Border ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Montgomery County GOP to hold Town Hall focused on law enforcement issues and taxing entities

The Montgomery County Republican Party will host a Town Hall Meeting in Conroe on October 26 at the KC Event Center, 2655 FM 1488. The focus is on law enforcement issues and taxing entities. A meet and greet will be held at 6:00 pm to allow attendees to meet Town Hall panelists, State Party Executive Committee Members for District 4, and Republican Precinct Chairs. The Town Hall will begin at 6:30 pm. There is no charge for admission.

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✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Resolution supporting Israel’s right to exist, advocating the destruction of Hamas, and mourning the innocent who were murdered

Upon learning of the terrorist attack in Israel, Chairman Matt Rinaldi called for an emergency meeting of the Resolutions Committee to formally express the sentiment of the Republican Party of Texas. The Republican Party of Texas is pre-releasing the resolution, which will be formally passed at the Fourth Quarter State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) Meeting in December.

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Montgomery County, Texas ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Montgomery County, Texas ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Montgomery County GOP passes Resolutions Addressing Republican Voters’ Concerns

The Montgomery County Republican Party passed five resolutions at the October County Executive Committee meeting to represent the voice of Republican voters in Montgomery County. The resolutions addressed election security, HB 900 and pornographic materials in Texas public schools, COVID medical freedom, as well as honoring Senators Bettencourt, Creighton, and Kolkhorst and endorsing Dr. Shelley Sekula-Gibbs.

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Montgomery County, Texas, Secure the Border ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Montgomery County, Texas, Secure the Border ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Montgomery County GOP to hold Town Hall focused on the Colonias, law enforcement issues

The Montgomery County Republican Party will host a Town Hall Meeting in New Caney on August 24 at the East Montgomery County Senior Center, 21679 McCleskey Road. A meet and greet will be held at 6:00 pm to allow attendees to meet their Precinct Chairs. The Town Hall will begin at 6:30 pm. The Town Hall will focus on law enforcement issues surfacing as a result of the “Colony Ridge” or “Colonias” community.

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Montgomery County, Texas ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas Montgomery County, Texas ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Montgomery County GOP passes Resolutions condemning Paxton impeachment, honoring Representatives who voted ‘No’

The Montgomery County Republican Party expresses its appreciation and gratitude to Representatives Steve Toth and Cecil Bell for voting against the impeachment of AG Ken Paxton. We urge the Texas Senate to immediately dismiss all charges with prejudice and reinstate AG Paxton to his elected office.

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✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Republican Party of Texas Statement on House Passage of SB 14 to Ban the Gender Modification of Children

AUSTIN, TX - Today the Texas House of Representatives took a critical step towards ending the chemical castration and surgical mutilation of children by passing SB 14 to engrossment. Eighteen other states have already protected children from these horrific and abusive practices.

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✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas ✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

Republican Party of Texas Calls for Passage of SB 14 to Ban the Gender Modification of Children

SB 14 has been scheduled for a vote on the House Floor for the third time on May 12. Previously threatened rulings on points of order by Speaker Dade Phelan have prevented it from passing. Should Speaker Phelan seek to delay or sustain a Democrat point of order against SB 14, we ask every Republican member of the Texas House to appeal the ruling of the chair and vote to pass this legislation immediately.

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