Montgomery County conservatives hold Prayer Rally in support of January 6th political prisoners


January 9, 2023 | Conroe, TX

More than 350 grassroots activists gathered at the Montgomery County Lonestar Convention Center to participate in a J6 Prayer Rally organized by local activist, veteran, and Montgomery County Engagement Person of the Year, Phill Cady.

Patriots from across the county, state, and nation came together to pray and share their stories about the events of Jan. 6, 2021, and the “J6 D.C. Political Prisoners.”

The event’s keynote speakers were True The Vote and “2000 Mules” creators Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips, who spoke encouraging words to the crowd and led prayers for the J6 prisoners. Engelbrecht encouraged attendees to continue to pray for the prisoners, who have been kept in solitary confinement for months.

Engelbrecht and Phillips also expressed their gratitude for the prayer rally held just two months prior outside of the Joe Corley Federal Detention Center in Conroe, where they were erroneously detained for refusing to disclose the name of a source who helped them investigate election software company Konnech. Engelbrecht said she believed the power of those prayers helped them to be released the day after the rally.

The J6 prisoners have been wrongfully detained without due process, some for two years. Much of what happened that day is still widely unknown to the general public due to the sham “Select Committee” investigation by the former Democrat-held Congress, which largely ignored evidence while blaming President Trump for the events. Four people purportedly died that day, the stories of whom were told at the rally.

Additional speakers

Pastor Dale Inman opened the event with prayer saying, “The work of the cross has set us free from the bondage of sin. We ask for the work of patriots to set us free from the tyranny of evil. Give us strength to destroy the works of those who would try to place the yoke of bondage back upon us.”

Dr Seema Nanda shared a rousing poem titled “Patriots Ignored.”

Dr. Stella Immanuel of America’s Frontline Doctors led an inspiring, Spirit-led song and prayer.

US Congressman Troy Nehls (TX) gave his personal account of the federal detention center where J6 prisoners are being detained at the “D.C. gulag.” After speaking with prisoners, he was told no video visitation had been available nor had religious services been provided under the guise of COVID. In addition, a prisoner had allegedly been assaulted by a lieutenant in the detention center. He vowed to get to the bottom of the J6 debacle and share the truth with the people.

Former J6ers Treniss Evans of Condemned USA, David Sumrall of, and Tommy Tatum, all gave passionate speeches of their own accounts of J6 and their efforts to aid others who remain imprisoned

Also speaking were local commentator Doc Greene, Tamara Perryman, Jen Loh, Houston-area activist Gerry Monroe, and former Republican Congressional District 18 candidate Carmen Montiel.

Texas Fully Loaded hosts Sandra Whitten, Jon Bouché, and Walter West broadcast the event live on their show. The video of the event can be seen on their Facebook page. Bouché and West were the emcees.

Event sponsors

Several groups were sponsors of the event. Montgomery County Freedom Caucus President Kathy Ross and Vice President Wendy Yockey put out calls to action to their members to volunteer.

The Montgomery County Tea Party, Montgomery County Pachyderm Club, Montgomery County Eagle Forum, and Montgomery County Republican Party also provided sponsorship.

Paige Tooker, who hosts the “Trump Train,” brought a convoy of vehicles ladened with American and Trump flags. The halls were filled with citizens from several counties around the state.

Message of appreciation

Treniss Evans sent a message of appreciation to Phill Cady and event attendees:

“I was honored to have an opportunity to speak to so many fantastic patriotic Americans in Conroe, Texas. I find it truly admirable how you can reach your base so rapidly, enacting such support and attendance in only days. This is evidence of the patriotism and good will of the American people and how they are waking up and standing for those who are rendered powerless to stand for themselves.

“We the People are not the naïve children of the government who can simply be told “because I said so” and sent to our rooms. They may have, by force, silenced us once, but that will be the last time we shall be silenced in that way. We are strong and prepared to represent this Constitutional Republic peacefully and willing to preserve our country by any means necessary as legally provided in our founding documents.”

✮ Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas

The Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas is committed to honoring God by exhibiting the highest levels of honesty, integrity, and accountability. It is our goal to inform and engage the voting public. We support Republican candidates and elected officials to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for preserving the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.


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