A Message From Chairman-Elect, Gwen Withrow
March 7, 2024 | Montgomery County, TX
To the Republican Voters of Montgomery County,
Election Day for the Republican Primary is officially behind us! I can’t express enough how humbled and awed I am by the enthusiastic, sustained support of so many in this county. My campaign was funded by you. I did not have donations from big Political Action Committees (PACs) or gambling casinos. It was implemented by you with block walking, word of mouth, sign deployment, standing at the polls, and prayer.
We are a band of brothers and sisters working to save our posterity, our liberty, our state, and our nation. There is a special bond created in such a fight. My husband, Bob, and I will cherish the friendships and memories from this campaign for the rest of our lives. Montgomery County is made up of really great people.
I would like to thank every single candidate who had the courage to run for office, as well as their families and loved ones, especially the Precinct Chair candidates. The winners of the Precinct Chairman positions will be the voting members of our Republican Party representing the voters of their precincts. So, they are extremely important. Running for office often means putting much of your life on hold, and win or lose, having solid Republicans run for office is critical to spreading our conservative message. Each candidate gave the voters a choice and we should thank them.
All of our election workers and volunteers deserve nothing but praise for working countless hours to uphold the integrity of our elections and doing everything they can to serve Republican Primary voters.
We have important work ahead to restore our party and establish a Republican headquarters. We are going to need the help of the entire county. We will get it done! The waste of resources in a circular firing squad will stop and we are going to focus on moving forward.
We have a very important runoff coming up: the sheriff’s race. This elected position is supremely important to our county. Our voters need to pray for guidance, wisdom, and discernment as they make this critical choice. I urge voters to take the time to research this race thoroughly. When you make your choice, please consider helping that candidate.
Now that most of our candidates have been nominated, it's time to look forward. Montgomery County is the RED STAR of Texas, and we must come together as one united front to keep Texas Red by expanding our majority at the national level and continuing to elect more Republicans at the local and state levels.
Together, we will take back our country!
Gwen Withrow
Montgomery County Chairman-Elect